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How can I set up my touchpad gestures?
You can set up your touchpad by accessing the start menu -> “Settings” -> “Bluetooth & devices” -> “Touchpad”.
Gesture & interaction:
1) Cursor speed: touch and hold toggle to set.
2) Taps: Touch “Taps” to set “Touchpad sensitivity”.
3) Scroll & zoom: Touch to active “Drag two fingers to scroll” and “Pinch to zoom”.
4) Three-finger gestures: Touch toggle to select three-finger gestures function.
5) Four-finger gestures: Touch toggle to select four-finger gestures function.
Related settings:
1) More touchpad settings: Touch to set Mouse Properties (Button, Pointers, Pointer Options, Wheel and Hardware) settings.
2) Touch “Advanced gesture: Touch to configure three-finger and four-finger gestures.