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How can I set up my laptop Bluetooth?
Bluetooth is a short-range wireless communication technology that you can use to exchange data, or connect to other Bluetooth devices for various uses.
a) To turn on Bluetooth by accessing the start menu -> “Settings” -> “Bluetooth & devices”-> touch toggle to turn on Bluetooth -> touch “View more devices”, your laptop name and other devices will appear on screen.
b) To pair your laptop with a Bluetooth device by accessing the start menu -> “Settings” -> “Bluetooth & devices” -> “Add device” -> “Bluetooth” -> click a Bluetooth device you want to pair in the list -> touch “Connect”. If the paring is successful, you will find the paired Bluetooth device under “Other devices” list.
c) To unpair your laptop from a Bluetooth device by left clicking the icon after the unpaired device, click “Remove device” and “Yes” to confirm.