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TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities: Learn More


TCL Care UX Design




The International Paralympic Committee and the International Disability Alliance estimates that 15% of the world's population suffer from some form of disability. The epidemic has led to more people staying home. Going out, especially for the elderly, children and impaired people has become a luxury. As a truly user-centered company, we are committed to making everyone's experience easy. Watching TV is not just the right of normal people. As the industry's first TV care solution, “TCL care” covers everyone including the disadvantaged to offer a more friendly TV experience. We democratize TV experience for all people so that everyone can conveniently experience the rich and colorful life even within their homes.











