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TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities: Learn More

What should I do if the Multi-screen Share connection fails?
a) Please check the support information on your device’s packaging to see whether it supports Multi-screen Share functionality.
b) Run the “Multi Screen Share” tool, click the icon and then select “Update” to check whether the tool is of the latest version.
c) Do not turn off WiFi or Bluetooth at either end during the connection.
d) If the connected device is a laptop, do not set it to power-saving mode and do not plug in external WiFi or Bluetooth.
e) Try to reset or update your device. (Refer to Q How can I perform a factory reset on my phone & Q How can I upgrade my device).
If the previously described options do not help, you can contact our hotline or repair center to get more professional technical assistance. Find the hotline or repair center information from the TCL website or APP “Support Center”.