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TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities: Learn More

How can I upgrade my device?

Upgrade with Firmware update / System Update
Firmware update, is a way in which the firmware of a mobile device is updated wirelessly by the device’s manufacturer. Firmware runs in the background without any input from the user, to make sure that the device’s hardware runs properly.
1) Log in to the Home page (Refer to "How can I access the Home page?" in the Basic Settings module).
2) Go to System > Firmware update.
3) Click Check > A pop-up window will appear when there is a new version of the software >Click Yes.

Note: Available settings and menus may vary depending on device model and software version.