ARIZONA: Additional information about recycling is located at the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality.
CALIFORNIA: For more information on how to recycle your electronics, please visit California’s CalRecycle website, providing consumers with recycling information for a variety of recyclable material. Information for appliance recycling can be found by visiting California Department of Toxic Chemical’s website.
CONNECTICUT: For information about Connecticut’s electronic waste recycling, including a list of drop-off locations and how to recycle your electronics and appliances, please visit the Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.
DELAWARE: For more about electronics waste and recycling, please visit Delaware Solid Waste Authority and their new Recyclopedia resource.
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: Mail-Back options are available for any brand of television. To select this option, please visit the link and follow the simple instructions. For information about how to recycle your electronics in the District of Columbia, including drop-off locations and disposal instructions, please visit the District of Columbia's Department of Energy & Environment.
FLORIDA: Details about how to locate a recycling center or drop-off near you can be found at the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.
GEORGIA: For information on recycling, please visit the Georgia Department of Community Affairs.
HAWAII: Information for where to drop off electronics can be found by visiting the MRM Recycling website. Additional information about Hawaii’s recycling programs can be located by visiting Hawaii’s Department of Health or
IDAHO: To learn more about electronics recycling, management, and disposal options, please visit the Idaho Department of Environmental Quality.
ILLINOIS: For a list of registered Illinois residential electronic waste collection sites, please visit the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.
INDIANA: Additional information on recycling can be found on Indiana’s Recycle Indiana website.
IOWA: Details about electronic waste recycling can be viewed at the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.
KENTUCKY: For more about electronics recycling, please visit the Kentucky Department for Environmental Protection.
LOUISIANA: Details about electronics reuse and recycling are located at the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
MAINE: Where to recycle electronics and other information about Maine’s electronics waste laws can be located by visiting the Maine Department of Environmental Protection.
MARYLAND: For more information on Maryland’s recycling resources and community events sponsoring electronics drop offs, please visit the Maryland Department of the Environment.
MICHIGAN: residents seeking to recycle their electronics can click on the “Michigan” link to view locations to drop off their equipment. Additional information on Michigan’s recycling activities can be found at the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality.
MINNESOTA: Specific information about electronic waste can be accessed at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and Minnesota’s Living Green websites.
MISSISSIPPI: Electronics recycling information can be viewed at the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
MONTANA: Mail-Back options are available for any TCL television that is 49” and smaller. To select this option, please visit the link and follow the simple instructions. For more information on the recycling of all other television sizes, please visit the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.
NEBRASKA: Additional information about electronic waste reduction and management can be found at the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality.
NEVADA: To learn more about how to recycle electronics and other equipment, please visit the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection.
NEW MEXICO: For guidance on how to recycle electronics, please visit the New Mexico Environment Department Solid Waste Bureau.
NEW YORK: Additional guidance for consumers can be located on the New York Department of Environmental Conservation website.
NORTH CAROLINA: For consumer information about recycling in counties across the state, please visit the North Carolina Division of Waste Management’s Electronics Management Program.
OREGON: Additional information about Oregon’s recycling opportunities is located at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality’s Oregon E-Cycles website.
PENNSYLVANIA: Specific manufacturer- and retailer-sponsored locations for electronics drop offs and other collection programs can be viewed at the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.
RHODE ISLAND: For more about recycling electronic waste, please visit the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management.
SOUTH CAROLINA: Additional information for the state’s recycling activities is located at the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control.
TEXAS: Information on recycling opportunities can be found at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality or by visiting the EPA website.
UTAH: Available information on recycling opportunities in Utah can be located by visiting the MRM Recycling website. Additional details can also be found on Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality website.
VERMONT: Information on Vermont’s recycling programs can be located at the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. A list of convenient recycling drop-off locations can be found on the Vermont DEC Waste Management.
VIRGINIA: For more details on electronics drop-off locations and recycling, please visit the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality or the EPA website.
WEST VIRGINIA: Recycling Events and directory information about waste management can be found at the E-Waste West Virginia.
WISCONSIN: For additional ways to locate an electronics collection site or to learn more about electronics recycling, please visit the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources E-Cycle website.