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TCL Industries Holdings Co., Ltd. (the “Company”) has recently been made aware of certain scams fraudulently using the name of the Company and its subsidiaries or associated companies, and fraudsters faking identities as the staff of the Company or the authorized distributors to carry out the following fraudulent activities: Learn More


TCL Email Description

TCL Email is a smart email app for managing your multiaccount (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and other IMP/POP3 services) on your device.



  • New mail alerts

    Real-time email reminders to guard every important email you receive.



  • Multi-Account support

    Manage your multiaccount (Gmail, Yahoo, Outlook and other IMP/POP3 services) on your device.



  • Receive and send mail fluently

    Receiving all mail from multiple mailboxes at the same time, Select ‘Refresh’ in Options to refresh it quickly.



The Email app gives you quick access to your email on the phone. When you use the email application, all the information showed on the Email is only based on data fetched from Gmail server through Third party (eg.If you use Gmail account, these data only fetched from Gmail server through 3rd party Google API.) Your personal information, such as email address, text content, pictures, etc. will only be processed locally. TCL do not store you data on our server.


Your personal data is kept strictly confidential and we take your privacy very seriously. To understand how it works, please click to view the TCL Privacy Policy.